the latest from Global Land Alliance: our programs, our partners and how we promote sustainable PROSPERITY of people and places
GLA Supports Collective Efforts Promoting CLT Initiatives In Brazil
Earlier this month, Global Land Alliance’s Executive Director submitted an open letter, joining a collective voice promoting Brazilian State support for CLT initiatives, and influence representatives to take supportive measures to affordable housing and long-term community-building, development and/or guarantee of rights.
"The next day after we win the War: restitution of property rights in Ukraine" Published in Vox Ukraine
Fast, transparent and just compensation of losses and restitution of rights for land and housing property in Ukraine require actions now. Incorporating several critical amendments and adopting the Law on compensation of losses is the first of such steps. Equally important are swift rebuilding of government infrastructure on the de-occupied territories and clarifying the responsibilities for managements of abandoned and destroyed property. The legitimate right holders need to be informed about how to secure their property rights and how to report any losses. These and several other steps discussed below will help to rebuild Ukraine and prevent undue tension in all sectors of Ukrainian society.
Stronger Home Rental Markets can Support a Post-Covid Recovery
Last summer in the US, an estimated 15 million people were at risk of eviction. Similar problems have been seen in rental markets around the world. Just ahead of the pandemic, Prindex’s global survey found that 1 in 3 renters worldwide fear eviction – an estimated 272 million people. The pandemic has undoubtedly pushed this figure up.
Pandemics, Property, and Planning
The current pandemic brings concepts of property to the foreground. Stay at home orders, social distancing, commercial closures, draconian border control, the interruption of air travel (to use just a few examples) are about how space is to be used, about new mandates for (most commonly) restrictions to commons, public, and private property, and often very intense social controversy over who gets to set the rules for property use. How property is understood and treated in the planning process will now be one of our key issues going forward. In Pandemics, Property, and Planning a global group of scholars reflect on the pandemic’s meaning and implications through the lens of land-based property rights and spatial planning.
Recovery, Land Titles and Displacement: Community Reflections in Puerto Rico
Last month, 35 community leaders from 10 countries across the Global South gathered in Puerto Rico to learn about Community Land Trusts (CLTs)
‘Defending Democracy in Brazil’ Event in DC
Last night Theresa Williamson and Catalytic Communities, partners of the Global Land Alliance and the GLA CLT Center, hosted a fundraiser entitled Defend Democracy In Brazil: Politics and Music at Busboys and Poets.