the latest from Global Land Alliance: our programs, our partners and how we promote sustainable PROSPERITY of people and places
Social Risk Engagement with Communities in Dominican Republic
El mes pasado, Global Land Alliance y REDDOM se reunieron con miembros de la comunidad en la cuenca de Hondo Valle en la República Dominicana.
Urban Maryland Land Trust Preserved through Agricultural Easement
The Charles Koiner Center for Urban Farming (CKC), a local land trust dedicated to protecting urban land for the purpose of agriculture and education run by Global Land Alliance Associate Hannah Sholder and partner Kate Medina.
GLA Supports Post-Conflict Colombian Municipality turned Model Case for Land Reform
Global Land Alliance is proud to have worked with USAID Colombia, the Colombian National Land Agency and TetraTech to conceptualize and design the first systematic parcel sweep (barrido predial) in the municipality of Ovejas which is being utilized as the model case for future government and USAID efforts in securing land rights as part of the Colombia Peace Process.
Prindex Methodology Highlighted in National Bureau of Statistics of Tanzania’s May Newsletter
National Bureau of Statistics in Tanzania's May newsletter demonstrates the important of Prindex data in assessing women's perceptions of tenure security.
Recovery, Land Titles and Displacement: Community Reflections in Puerto Rico
Last month, 35 community leaders from 10 countries across the Global South gathered in Puerto Rico to learn about Community Land Trusts (CLTs)
Afghanistan: Rapid Institutional Capacity Assessment (RICA) Project
Under contract with the World Bank office in Afghanistan Global Land Alliance conducted a Rapid Institutional Capacity Assessment (RICA) of the Afghanistan Land Authority (ARAZI).
Launch of "Securing Forest Tenure Rights for Rural Development: An Analytical Framework”
During the 2019 World Bank Conference for Land and Poverty, an Analytical Framework for the Securing Forest Tenure Rights for Rural Development initiative was launched
33 Country Data Launch from Prindex
“Monitoring is a tool that must be yoked to a process of action and mobilization to be effective… The point is transformative change” -Malcolm Childress for the 33 Country Data Launch of Prindex on March 25th on the sidelines of the World Bank Conference for Land and Poverty. Visit prindex.net for the full reports and comparative data.
2018 Annual Report
We are excited to share with you Global Land Alliance's 2018 Annual Report. Since beginning operations five years ago, Global Land Alliance has committed itself to promote sustainable prosperity for people and places. We are grateful for your continuing support and collaboration, and we look forward to our next five years in alliance with you to change the trends on global land issues for a sustainable, inclusive and prosperous future.
United States Announces Official Adoption of Prindex
Policymakers in countries like Tanzania have been looking at Prindex data to inform their thinking on land tenure security for some time. Now, the United States has become the first country to officially adopt Prindex as a measure of its success in meeting a key land-related Sustainable Development Goal (SDG).
Global Land Alliance Celebrates International Women’s Day 2019
Happy International Women’s Day Women’s access to land, safeguarding’ women’s roles & rights before, during, and after formalization, and empowering women to become local advocates for land rights is a critical intersection of Global Land Alliance’s engagements.
Forum Sur la Politique Foncière au Sénégal avec IPAR et ILC Afrique
Fiers de soutenir ce forum sur la politique foncière au Sénégal aujourd’hui avec IPAR ThinkTank et ILC Afrique, où nous partageons les résultats du Prindex avec des responsables politiques et des journalistes.
Global Land Alliance Tackles how to Measure Capacity Development
As part of the Integrated Land and Resource Governance (ILRG) under USAID’s second Strengthening Tenure and Resource Rights project (STARR 2), Global Land Alliance, led by Cynthia Berning, teamed with TetraTech to think through how to best measure the results of the capacity development activities that are part of the project
Malcolm Childress Keynote Address at University of Twente
Today, Malcolm Childress is speaking at the University of Twente in the Netherlands on land governance challenges and opportunities related to climate, urbanization and social justice.
Colombia Rural Introduces New Policy Recommendation for Vacant Lands
Colombia Rural, Global Land Alliance partner, under the leadership of Margarita Varón Perea, introduced policy to the Corte Constitucional in Colombia this past Friday (2/8/2019) during a Public Hearing on Land Regime and Land Reform.
Save the Date! Prindex Second Data Wave Launch
Save the date! If you’re going to be in Washington DC on 25 March for the World Bank’s Land and Poverty conference, join Prindex, Gallup, Omidyar Network and DFID for a reception to launch our second wave of data measuring perceptions of land rights & tenure security
ASPRS 2019 – Collaboration between GLA, University of Florida Geomatics Program and Forest Count Potawatomi
Adam Benjamin presented a collaborative UAV exercise between the University of Florida’s Geomatics Program, Forest County Potawatomi Community’s Land and Natural Resources Division and Global Land Alliance at #ASPRS2019 this week.
Global Land Alliance Parcel Post – Jan 2019
Check out the Global Land Alliance January Parcel Post newsletter!
Agroforestry Project in the Dominican Republic
Global Land Alliance is supporting the Government of the Dominican Republic’s Agroforestry project, funded by the Inter-American Development Bank. GLA is developing an audit procedure and rules for the monitoring and verification of land tenure clarification